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Aiken FAQs of the Department of Computer Engineering

aiken.ce.pdn.ac.lk Server

This is a HPC (High Performance Computing) server of the Department of Computer Engineering, University of Peradeniya.

The administrator changes will be documented here.

You can use this server using the LDAP login for ce.pdn.ac.lk undergraduates (which is used for CO top floor lab, aiken and tesla) without sudo access.

Send an email to headce[at]eng.pdn.ac.lk with your registration number requesting an account in this server. If you are allowed to have one, head of the Department will forward the request to the server admin and you will recieve a login.

Ask headce[at]eng.pdn.ac.lk.

You can use ssh login. If it is not clear (or unaccessible)

  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz (20MB Cache, 32 Threads)
  • 256 GB of RAM

Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS

  1. Create a conda environment with jupyter notebook package installed.
  2. Activate that environment.
  3. Run the jupyter notebook.
    jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888 --ip=
  4. You will see a URL like this
  5. Type the following address into your PC browser
  6. Your browser (on your PC) will be showing the jupyter notebook running on the aiken server

Please request through any CO staff member. Please note that the server admin has no authority to install something unless it is requested by a staff memeber.

  • Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
  • conda 4.8.5

Write an email to CE Network Admin if this is not urgent. If not, call CE Network Admin.

  1. Send a request to the server admin via the server admin contact page to run this command:
    sudo singularity config fakeroot --add eXXYYY
  2. Download the sample def file:
    eyyxxx@aiken:~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cepdnaclk/singularity-deployment/main/base.def
  3. Build the container:
    eyyxxx@aiken:~$ singularity build --fakeroot base.sif base.def
  4. Run commands using the container:
    eyyxxx@aiken:~$ singularity exec base.sif <your-command>

If you need to learn more, go to: https://github.com/cepdnaclk/singularity-deployment