
Connect to FPGA License Server through an SSH Tunnel

For this option, you need an application which supports SSH Tunneling. You can use MobaXterm, which is used in these instructions.
1. Open MobaXterm, and select the Tunneling option from the top toolbar.
2. Next, click on the New SSH Tunnel button. It will open a dialogue box like the following:
  • Select the Local port forwarding (Red colour rectangle)
  • Fill the text boxes marked in Blue colour rectangles accordingly.
  • Fill the text box marked in Yellow colour with your E Number.
3. Save and click the Play icon in the MobaSSHTunnel dialogue box. You may be asked to enter the password of your Department Server account. (Not the password of the FEeLS account)
4. When you start Quartus II, you will be asked to set up the Licence. In there, select the 4th option.
5. In the following window, please enter the Licence File as the following and press Enter:


If you configured the SSH tunnel from localhost:9000 into tesla.ce.pdn.ac.lk:1801, it will appear 4 Vendors as shown in the below image.
6. Congratulations! The setup is complete.
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