I have a few concerns about my academic program, and I would like to talk to a staff member.
Whom should I talk to?
Any staff member would be happy to help.
However, the most straightforward person to reach would be your
advisor/a senior student counselor.
You can find your advisor from below link using eng.pdn.ac.lk email. Advisors
I am concerned about my mental health and prefer advice from a professional.
What resources are available for me at the faculty/university?
You can find a lot of information on the support at the faculty level in the FEels page using link below.FEeLS page
University has an established unit with counseling and psychological professionals called Capsu, using the following
link below.Capsu
I would like to raise my voice on a problem applicable to most of my colleagues at the department.
places can I go to?
What opportunities are there for me to interact with others at the department?
This is not an exhaustive list. In addition to regular course related activities, there are many opportunities for volunteering at the department including Join a student community: ACES/Hackers club Be a casual instructor (Contact: Dr. Mahanama Wickaramasinghe:mwickramasinghe@eng.pdn.ac.lk) Join the department web team (contact: Dr. Damayanthi Herath damayanthiherath@eng.pdn.ac.lk).
For a concern on a course, whom to contact
My query related to wellbeing is not answered by any of the above. What shall I do?
Please get in touch with Dr. Damayanthi Herath(damayanthiherath@eng.pdn.ac.lk) and discuss further.